December is a wonderful time of year, and has called out to us many times. Now, there are six billion people around the world who celebrate this season. Many people share traditions that they have with friends and loved ones during this festive time of year. Some holidays like Christmas remain the same as they did when it started, while others evolved over the years on different countries or regions. This month, find out about these amazing new holidays!
For most of us, December is one of the most popular months to be out and about. There are lots of events, such as Christmas light tours, ice skating competitions, not-so-traditional Christmas parties, and New Year’s Eve parties. So whether you are out celebrating tradition or something new in holiday celebrations this month, here are more than a dozen amazing holidays that might be worth adding to your calendar!
December is a month of celebration around the world! Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are merely the three main holidays that highlight this season. There are many more celebrations to enjoy during this festive time or hope not to forget what they celebrate. As of September 10, 2022, 6 billion people around the globe celebrate each keynote holiday
A Brief History of the Calendar
Since the beginning of time, humans have been observing and celebrating holidays. Ancient cultures all around the world celebrated different festivals with Rituals, Feasts and Celebrations. Today, we still observe many of these festivals, however, others have been replaced by newer holidays. December is a month of celebration around the world! Just Feast On These Amazing Holidays!
December is traditionally celebrated as the month of Christmas. Christians believe that Jesus was born in December, so it makes sense that the month would be celebrated in his honor. Christmas is one of the most loved and celebrated holidays on Earth. It is estimated that over 1 trillion people celebrate Christmas worldwide each year! Christmas is a time to celebrate family and friends, give gifts, eat delicious foods and spend time with loved ones. Merry Christmas!
National Holidays in December
December is a month of celebration all around the world! Here are six national holidays in December that you should know about:
- Christmas: December 25th is the day that marks the unofficial start of Christmas season. This holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, and is celebrated with gift giving, spending time with loved ones, and food! Try our easy Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes for some great ideas for Christmas dinner!
- New Year’s Day: On New Year’s Day, everyone celebrates by ringing in the new year with friends and family. Some people may opt to party hard until the new year is over, while others may take it more leisurely by enjoying a nice evening meal or watching a festive movie.
- Kwanzaa: Kwanzaa commemorates powerful African ancestors and celebrates natural life cycles such as harvest, planting, and childbirth. The traditional Seven Principles of Kwanzaa are creativity, cooperation, self-reliance, partnership, patience, forgiveness, and courage. Some people celebrate by cooking African dishes or decorating their homes with lion Cultural Symbols from Africa.
- St Andrew’s Day: St Andrew’s Day commemorates Saint Andrew (AD 67 –
Observances Declaring Country Independence
It’s time to mark the end of the year! The celebrations around the world will beep joy and goodwill into every corner on December 1st. Here are some amazing holidays that you can celebrate this month:
- India- On this day, India celebrates its independence from British rule. There are many events and traditions associated with this day, such as dance, music, food and fireworks.
- Australia- On Australia’s national holiday, Victoria Day, all Australians get together to celebrate our country’s diversity and rich culture. There is a parade and a fair filled with rides, games and restaurants.
- Peru- On December 24th, Peruvians commemorate the declaration of their independence from Spain in 1825. This holiday is celebrated with concerts, parades and fireworks displays.
- Belgium- On November 11th, Belgium celebrates its National Day. This day marks the end of World War I and the birth of the Belgian nation. There are typically rallies and ceremonies in remembrance of this event.
- Switzerland- Just like America’s Thanksgiving holiday, Switzerland celebrates their National Day on December 8th. This day is celebrated with a parade through the city followed by a festive
A Different Holiday Every Day
December is a month of celebration around the world! Just feast on these amazing holidays.
December is a month of celebration around the world! Just feast on these amazing holidays. Here are 11 different holidays you can celebrate in December:
- Christmas – Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with family, friends, and delicious gifts.
- Kwanzaa – Honor Afro-American heritage with festive celebration throughout the month.
- Hanukkah – Light a menorah and enjoy festive traditions like saying prayers and exchanging gifts.
- New Year’s Eve – Ring in the new year with friends and family at a party or watch a spectacular fireworks display.
- Saint Nick’s Day – Meet Santa Claus at your local mall on this holiday!
- Saturnalia – Honor the Roman god Saturn for the winter season with merrymaking and gift giving.7. Independence Day – Let freedom ring with fun events like parades and barbecues!8. Valentine’s Day – Romance is in the air! share lovey-dovey moments with your loved ones9. Easter Egg Roll – Roll eggs across town to gather candy for your egger10. Halloween – Dress up as your favorite character and Trick or Treat around your neighborhood11. Thanksgiving – Eat turkey, ham
5,000+ Holidays In One Year
December is a month of celebration all over the world! Here are some of the best holidays to enjoy in 2018:
Chinese New Year
This is one of the most popular holidays in China. It is celebrated on the first day of the new year, which is usually between February 19 and 21. It is a time to welcome the new year and to celebrate family and friends.
Christmas is the most important holiday in Christians worldwide. It is celebrated on December 25th, Boxing Day in Canada, and January 6th in Australia. Christmas celebrations often involve gift-giving and a big feast.
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve is one of the biggest holidays of the year. It is celebrated around the world with parties, fireworks, and lots of fun. In some places, such as Finland, people stay up all night to make sure that the new year starts off with a bang!
This year, celebrate a range of holidays all around the world!
This December is a month of celebration all around the world! Here are some of the most popular holidays that you can celebrate this year.
Christmas: Christmas is one of the most famous holidays in the world. It is celebrated on December 25th each year. This holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas decorations are commonly seen throughout stores and restaurants, and people often exchange gifts on Christmas day.
New Year’s Eve: New Year’s Eve is a major holiday in many countries. It is celebrated on January 1st each year. It is often known as “The Day That Counts”. celebrations usually begin early in the evening and continue until the early hours of the morning. Some people choose to make resolutions for the next year during this time.
Valentine’s Day: Valentine’s Day is another major holiday in many countries. It is celebrated on February 14th each year. This holiday celebrates love and relationships. Many couples buy flowers and presents for each other on Valentine’s day.
What To Do?
If there’s one thing that the world seems to be agreed on, it’s that December is a month of celebration. Whether you’re into merrymaking or not, here are some amazing holidays that you can enjoy this month!
- Christmas: Let the festivities begin! This holiday is one of the most celebrated in the world, and for good reason. There are so many loved ones to call family and spend time with, delicious food to indulge in, and all sorts of season-appropriate activities to take part in. Christmas might be one of the biggest holidays, but it’s definitely not the only one worth celebrating.
- Kwanzaa: Celebrate African heritage with a week-long festival full of drums, dancing, and speeches. Kwanzaa is celebrated on December 26th – January 1st annually across America, which means that it may be a little early for some people, but it’s definitely not too late to get involved!
- New Year’s Eve: If there’s one thing that everyone can agree on, it’s that New Year’s Eve is an amazing party night
Language Interpreters And Translators
The holidays are a time for families and friends to get together, celebrate and make merry. What better way to do all of that than by having a language interpreter or translator on hand? Whether you need help communicating with loved ones during the holiday season in a foreign country, or just want to make things a little bit easier for yourself, bringing on a translator can be hugely beneficial!
Here are four amazing international holidays that everyone should celebrate this December:
Christmas – This is probably the most well-known international holiday, and it’s no wonder! Christmas is an occasion steeped in Christian tradition, and there’s no better way to show your appreciation than by spending time with family and friends during this festive season. If you can’t find any family members living in the same country as you, try tracking down some distant cousins who may be willing to join in the festivities! Santa Claus – Oh boy, we can’t forget about Santa! He may only be an imaginary character, but he sure brings happiness to millions of children around the world every year. Make sure you get your parents (or whoever is responsible for getting you presents) to get you something special this Christmas –
Celebrating Christmas
Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays around the world. Whether you celebrate Christmas in the traditional way or something more unconventional, there is something for everyone on this wonderful holiday. Here are five amazing holidays that you may not have known about:
- Kwanzaa: This African holiday celebrates principles of self-determination and community cooperation. It started as a religious holiday in 1960 and now has become a secular celebration around the world.
- Ramadan: In Islam, Ramadan is the month during which participants abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual activity from sunrise to sunset. Muslims believe that this season helps them focus on spiritual matters.
- Yule: Yule is an ancient European celebration that celebrates the return of Jesus Christ and the winter solstice. Families gather together to exchange gifts, tell traditional stories and eat festive meals.
- Día de los Muertos: Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a Mexican holiday that honors departed family members by decorating their graves with flowers and candy skulls. The festival typically lasts for three days starting on November 1st and ending on November 3rd.
- Krampusnacht: In Austria,
Celebrating Hanukkah
Hanukkah, which means “Festival of Lights,” is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the victory of the Maccabees over the Greek forces in 164 BC. The festival commemorates a miracle: when the Greek army tried to extinguish theChanukah candles, they could not do so, and the oil kept burning for eight nights. Today, Hanukkah is celebrated with a week-long observance beginning on the eighth day of Passover.
The Modern Orthodox synagogue in which I grew up celebrates Hanukkah with a special service called an “anointing.” On each of eight nights during Chanukah, men light Menorah candles (representing the eight branches of Israel) and pass them around while singing prayers. Afterward, each participant dips his hand into a vat of oil that has been consecrated by my community’s rabbi. This ceremony symbolizes (among other things) Israel’s enduring covenant with God.
In addition to Chanukah celebrations at synagogues, there are also festivals associated with Hanukkah all over the world. In Romania, for example, there is a carnival-like celebration called “The Festival of
Sikhs celebrate Diwali
Diwali is a festival celebrated by the Sikhs. It marks the triumph of good over evil and is one of the most important festivals in their religion. Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness and is one of the biggest holidays in India.
Diwali is one of the most important Hindu festivals. It’s celebrated by both Hindus and Sikhs around the world. The holiday commemorates the victory of good over evil. Diwali is also a time to give thanks for blessings received throughout the year.
In India, Diwali is celebrated with fireworks and lanterns. People dress up in colorful clothing and exchange gifts. There are feasts and ceremonies throughout the day.
In the U.S., Sikhs celebrate Diwali by fasting from sunrise to sunset. They break their fast with a light meal, Sewa (helping) Japji (bread), and Dahi (yogurt). Diwali is also a time for reflection on past year, prayers for guidance for future years, and celebrating relationships.
There are dozens of festivals around the world that commemorate different holidays. If you’re looking to celebrate a Festivals this December, be sure to check out our complete guide!
Cambodian New Year
December is a month of celebration around the world! Just Feast On These Amazing Holidays. Here are a few of our favorite holiday foods from around the globe:
1) Dim Sum – This popular dish originated in China and consists of small plates of delicately prepared food that’s served in small Take Away Styrofoam containers. There are many variations to Dim Sum, but common favorites include Dumplings, Spring Rolls, and Prawn Dishes.
2) Kebab – Condiments like tahini sauce and lemon make kebabs delicious and unique. minced lamb, chopped vegetables, and shredded bread are all mixed together before being grilled over charcoal or gas. kebabs can be eaten as a main course or as part of a wrap or flatbread sandwich.
3) Pudding – A traditional part of winter in England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, and parts of the United States, pudding is usually made from boiled sugar and eggs with different flavorings added (like jam, cream, nuts). Some popular varieties include Bakewell Tart, Apple Pie Pudding, and Ice Cream Cake Pudding.
Checking off the holidays from Asia to Africa to America
December is full of celebrations all around the world! Here are a few of our favorite examples:
At Christmas, people in countries such as Asia, Africa, and America partake in festive traditions like exchanging gifts, eating traditional meals and observing religious holidays. Some people also take part in holiday-themed activities like caroling or making gingerbread houses.
In Europe, families often gather around the fire to feast on traditional dishes like roast ham and potato pie during winter celebrations like Christmas and New Year’s. Festivities can also get pretty wild with people going out clubbing or partying all night long.
And of course, there are always special treats like candy canes and eggnog to enjoy during the month of December. So mark the date in your calendar and let the celebrations begin!

What are some of the countries and celebrations celebrated over the course of a month?
Some of the most notable celebrations around the world happen during December. Countries like Turkey, Greece, and China take advantage of the festive month by holding huge feast festivals in which locals and tourists can partake in a wide variety of food and drink. Here are eight of the most exciting December holidays around the globe!
December is a month of celebration around the world! Just feast on these amazing holidays.
From Christmas in North America to New Year’s celebrations around the world, there are a bunch of celebrated holidays that occur during December. Here are just a few of them:
- Christmas: This holiday is celebrated with family, friends, and lots of food. Presents are usually given, and there may be a tree or other decorations in the house. Many people also celebrate Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) by doing things like mass shopping or going for walks.
- Hanukkah: This holiday celebrates the Maccabees and their victory against the Greeks. Jews light candles, eat candied fruits and vegetables, and sing songs throughout the night. It happens during the month of December in many places around the world.
- Kwanzaa: Celebrated mostly by African Americans, Kwanzaa celebrates eight cultural values: strength, unity, self-love, knowledge, contribution, responsibility, trust, and vision. The holiday usually starts on December 26th and goes until January 1st. During this time many people celebrate with family picnic dinners and ceremonial dances.
What is one on the most important events in December that marks the end of the year?
Christmas is an important event that marks the end of the year. It is celebrated around the world and is considered to be one of the most important holidays. Celebrate Christmas in your own way by enjoying a festive meal! Here are some amazing holidays to celebrate in December:
Diwali, or the festival of lights, is celebrated in many parts of India and Nepal. This holiday celebrates the return of Lord Rama from exile and his triumph over evil. Diwali is a time to give thanks for all that has been good in life and to celebrate the unity of mankind. Lights are lit as a token of appreciation, and people exchange gifts. Many people also participate in candle-lit religious ceremonies.
Christmas is a popular holiday all over the world, and there are many ways to celebrate it. Some people celebrate Christmas by giving gifts, others go shopping for presents, and still others attend holiday parties. Whatever you do, don’t forget to have a delightful Christmas feast! Here are some delicious Christmases to enjoy:
European Christmases usually involve roasted turkey with all the trimmings. Americans love their Thanksgiving feast of roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes
Celebrations around the world for December -“Christmas” vs.
The holiday season is upon us and there are several celebratory events taking place all over the world. In December, there are two major holidays with different names: Christmas and Yule.
As you may know, Christmas is celebrated mainly in North America and parts of Europe, while Yule is more popular in the colder climates of Europe and Asia. Here’s a quick overview of each holiday.
Christmas : Celebrated on December 25th, Christmas is a religious holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It typically features family gatherings, presents, and a big feast.
Yule : Celebrated on December 24th-25th, Yule is a pagan fertility festival that celebrates the winter solstice. It features gatherings with friends and family to exchange gifts, eat festive foods, and celebrate the coming of the New Year.
December Global Holidays Celebrated Worldwide
December is a month of celebration around the world! Just feast on these amazing holidays! From Christmas to New Year’s, here are some of the best global celebrations to look out for this month.
Legend has it that Jesus was born in a manger, surrounded by shepherds. This holiday is known as the most joyous and sentimental of all, celebrated by families and friends around the world. Christmas is a time for expressing your love for one another with presents, festive meals, and lots of smiles. Prepare to get into the holiday spirit with these fun activities:
Make gingerbread houses ornaments or cookies to give as gifts.
Play Christmas music all December long.
Look for festive decorations in stores and online.
Set up a nativity scene or buy a pre-lit Christmas tree.
Host a Christmas party.
Get yourself into the festive spirit with some entertaining recipes such as spiced eggnog or roast beef wrapped in Santa wrap.
Watch classic Disney movies like “A Christmas Carol” or ” Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”
New Year’s Eve
Enjoy an evening filled with family and friends as you countdown to New Year’s Eve together!
The month of December is a time to celebrate with friends and family around the world. Here are five of the most popular global holidays celebrated in December:
Christmas – Most people in the Western world celebrate Christmas. This holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a religious holiday that falls on December 25th every year.
Hanukkah – Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the victory over Greeks at Haman’s palace in Jerusalem. The festival lasts for eight nights (from Dec 10-18) and includes a ceremonial menorah, lighting of candles and singing of hannukah prayers.
Kwanzaa – Kwanzaa is celebrated by people of African descent throughout the world. It is a seven day cultural celebration that marks the beginning of Black History Month. During Kwanzaa, individuals exchange Liberian dollars for kinfolk gifts called natalmas trees or kardunsias.
New Year’s Eve – New Year’s Eve is one of the most popular celebrations worldwide. Families gather together to watch their loved ones countdown to the new year while they make resolutions for the next one.
Conclusion : December is a month, and a worldwide celebration of happy memories. Spread joy with food, festivals and tradition today!
There is no mistaking that Christmas is the most popular holiday of the year. But December isn’t just about one big festival. In fact, there are several holidays taking place in December, each with its own unique flavor and traditions.:
Here are just a few of them::
• Hanukkah: This 8-day holiday celebrates the return of the Jewish Maccabees to Jerusalem after a century of exile. The festivities include a lot of eating, drinking and giving gifts.}
• Kwanzaa: This African-American holiday celebrates family, community and harvest celebrations. It starts on January 1st and includes a variety of culturally themed holidays, like Luvulala (celebrate love) and Kaali Dua (prayer for success).}
• Christmas: This religious holiday commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. There are many different traditions surrounding Christmas, including decorating trees, gift-giving and getting together with friends and family.
More and more people are getting together to celebrate December in different ways. In some parts of the world, it is known as the month of Christmas, while in others it is a time to give thanks for the year gone by. Here are just a few of the fantastic festivals happening around the world this month:
- Advent in Spain is a time for spirituality and preparing for the upcoming Christmas season.
- In Scotland, Christmas is celebrated with Yuletide celebrations including haggis and whisky sours.
- Brazil’s holiday of Carnaval celebrates liberation from slavery and celebrates life with music, parades, and parties.
- In China, the Festival of Lanterns marks the end of the Chinese New Year and ushering in a new year. Families gather to watch elaborate lantern festivals with delicious food and drink options.